Begin Moses’s Life

We are beginning Mose’s Life and the ten Commandments. If you have access to the “Prince of Egypt” by Dreamworks (DVD), we will be playing parts of the movie the next couple weeks.

“Four hundred years ago, the first American colony was settled at Jamestown. Think of how much has changed since then! Four hundred years is a long time, and that’s how long the Hebrew people remained in Egypt after Joseph.  Over time a new Pharaoh came to power who did not know Joseph. He made the Hebrew (Jewish people) into slaves. Because the Hebrew population have increased so much, Pharaoh decided every male Hebrew infant should be killed, so slaves would stay weak and afraid.  The God began to reveal a plan to deliver his people.” -My Big Book of Catholic Bible stories

Exodus 2:1:-10

Moses fled from Pharaoh’s court because he had killed a Egyptian for mistreating a Hebrew slave. He lived in the wilderness of Sinai as a shepherd of sheep.

Exodus 3:1-17

What is God’s name?eburningbush


Moses was instructed by God to go to Pharaoh to free the Jewish(Hebrew) people. Moses had to convince Pharaoh to “Let His People Go!”