Moses and Passover

We will read about how Moses warned the Egyptians of God’s will to free the Hebrew Slaves. There were 10 Plagues that tormented the Egyptians. tenplagues

We will learn about the Passover. The Lamb is the sacrifice for the Passover meal. The passover meal allows the Jewish Hebrews to be free.

Jesus celebrated the last supper during the Feast of the Passover. We call Jesus the “Lamb of God.” Is Jesus the sacrifice for our sins? Does Jesus allow us to be free? Free from what?

passover-jesus1600During Mass we celebrate the Eucharist. The unleavened bread that is offered up. In the Mass there are many prayers and ceremonies that are from the Jewish Passover meal .

DSC06480“Blest are We” grade 4 page 263 bottom of page: “Eucharist”

More about the Passover (parents): New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia “Pasch or Passover”Passover-matzah-kiddush-cup

In class we will look at some Jewish Passover customs, games, Seder plate and Kiddush Cup-platepassover1
Contrast the first “Passover Covenant” and the “Renewed Covenant” we celebrate at Mass.

Very Good Resource: Passover Seder for Catholics