Our Beatitudes

Chapter 7 p. 89 – 93

  1.  I am the Lord your God, You shall not have other gods besides me.
  2. You shall not take the God’s Name in Vain
  3. Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath Day
  4. Honor your father and mother
  5. You shall not kill
  6. You shall not commit adultery
  7. You shall not Steal
  8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
  9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
  10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.

We made up the Ten Commandments Beatitudes:

  1. Blessed is god for he is the only one
  2. Blessed is gods name for it is holy
  3. Blessed is the church goers for theirs is the knowledge of god
  4. Blessed are those who respect their parents for theirs is a big hug
  5. blessed be the peaceful for they show mercy
  6. blessed is the faithful for theirs is a good friendship
  7. blessed are the honest for they will not lose their minds (peace)
  8. blessed are they who tell the truth for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
  9. blessed are those who are not jealous they will not be judged
  10. blessed are those who have less but are willing to share

David’s Beatitude:

Blessed are those who dont be lookin at other peoples wives cuz they b cool:)