Childhood and Baptism of Christ

Presentation of Jesus in the temple  8 days after his birth. That is when His name was given. There he was greeted by Simeon and Anna.

Luke 2:21-38.

Simeon and Anna Puzzle

After the wise men left, Herod was searching for the Christ child. Mary , Joseph and Jesus flee to Egypt until Herod died…for he wanted the “Baby King” dead.


Return to Nazareth and going to the Passover feast in Jerusalem when Jesus was 12 years old.


Luke 2:40-52

Jesus is grown up now.  John the Baptist(Jesus’s Cousin) is out baptizing people in the Jordon River.  Jesus is baptized.

Mark 1:1-13

Review Baptism in Christ: Chapter 6 pp. 78, 80-81

Baptism in our Church:

We visit the Baptismal Font in the Sanctuary
The Pascal candle and the Sacramental Chrism oils are store in the Ambry—
(the special glass cabinet on the wall).

Holy Water (Symbol of the Holy Spirit)is kept on the left and poured over the catechumenate (person to be baptized) into the basin on the right. The center drain leads right to the ground so the holy water will not be dumped into the septic. The baptized person receives a Candle–“Receive the Light of Christ” and puts on a White Garment–“Putting on Christ”

Confirmation in the Spirit. Our Baptismal vows are strengthened. Chapter 10 pp.120-124

If we have time we will reenact a baptism in the church


People we know:

Baptism of David McGinnis


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Life of Jesus:

Jesus spends 40 day in the desert after his baptism.

Luke 4:1-15

Baptism of Jesus Crossword.