First Disciples and Wedding Feast of Cana

Jesus calls the disciples John 1:35-51 and the wedding feast of Cana John 2:1-12.

Chapter 12 in Blest are We book: p 141-148

Fish with ME – youTube

disciples_jesus crossword


Wedding Feast of Cana,

Marriage and Holy Orders are Sacraments at the Service of Communion.

Wedding Feast of Cana Quiz:

 Blest are We Chapter 13: Sacrament in the Church p.153-160


Baptism in our Church:

We visit the Baptismal Font in the Sanctuary
The Pascal candle and the Sacramental Chrism oils are store in the Ambry—
(the special glass cabinet on the wall).

Holy Water (Symbol of the Holy Spirit)is kept on the left and poured over the catechumenate (person to be baptized) into the basin on the right. The center drain leads right to the ground so the holy water will not be dumped into the septic. The baptized person receives a Candle–“Receive the Light of Christ” and puts on a White Garment–“Putting on Christ”

We will be talking about Baptism of Christ

Gospel Lk 3:15-16, 21-22

The people were filled with expectation,
and all were asking in their hearts
whether John might be the Christ.
John answered them all, saying,
“I am baptizing you with water,
but one mightier than I is coming.
I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”After all the people had been baptized
and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying,
heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him
in bodily form like a dove.
And a voice came from heaven,
“You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.”

Blest Are We Chapter 6 pp. 78-85 “Baptism”

Luke 2:40-52

Jesus is grown up now. John the Baptist(Jesus’s Cousin) is out baptizing people in the Jordon River. Jesus is baptized.

Mark 1:1-13


Confirmation in the Spirit.

Our Baptismal vows are strengthened. Chapter 10 pp.120-124

If we have time we will reenact a baptism in the church


People we know:

Baptism of David McGinnis


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Life of Jesus:

Jesus spends 40 day in the desert after his baptism.

Luke 4:1-15

Baptism of Jesus Crossword.

Jesus includes us in His family, if we do what God asks of us… That is our Baptismal promises:

V. Do you reject Satan?
R. I do.
V. And all his works?
R. I do.
V. And all his empty promises?
R. I do.
V. Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
R. I do.
V. Do you believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was born of the Virgin Mary was crucified, died, and was buried, rose from the dead, and is now seated at the right hand of the Father?
R. I do.
V. Do you believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting?
R. I do.
V. God, the all-powerful Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has given us a new birth by water and the Holy Spirit, and forgiven all our sins. May he also keep us faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ for ever and ever.
R. Amen.

Childhood of Christ

Last week, we went to the church as a class. We looked at the nativity, talked about the wise men coming from other countries.   The 3 wise men (3 kings) were some of the first people to worship Jesus. They were from different countries and didn’t speak the Hebrew language.  God opened salvation to all peoples not just the Jewish people!


We had a prayer service for the Epiphany and lit a candle for our intentions (friends and family who may be sick, grieving or rejoicing) We stood in front of the altar near the Tabernacle, Baptism font, and the Ambry (Blest Are We p.120)

A votive candle or prayer candle is a candle, typically white or beeswax yellow, intended to be burnt as a votive offering in an act of Christian prayer

A votive candle or prayer candle is a candle, typically white or beeswax yellow, intended to be burnt as a votive offering in an act of Christian prayer

Presentation of Jesus

Presentation of Jesus in the temple 8 days after his birth. That is when His name was given. There he was greeted by Simeon and Anna.

Luke 2:21-38.

Simeon and Anna Puzzle

After the wise men left, Herod was searching for the Christ child. Mary , Joseph and Jesus flee to Egypt until Herod died…for he wanted the “Baby King” dead.

Flight to Egypt


We follow Mary and Joseph’s path from Nazareth to Bethlehem and Egypt on our map.
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Finding the Child Jesus

Luke 2:41-52

Return to Nazareth and going to the Passover feast in Jerusalem when Jesus was 12 years old.

The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary

  • Annunciation
  • Visitation
  • Finding in the Temple
  • Nativity of Jesus
  • Presentation of Jesus at the Temple
  The explanation of the Rosary is on page 15 of the “Blest are We” grade 4.  

Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary

  • Baptism of Jesus
  • Marriage at Cana
  • Kingdom of God
  • Transfiguration of Jesus
  • Last Supper



Happy Epiphany! The Three kings visit Baby Jesus. Visit the Manger scene in the church.wisemenThe Gifts of the Kings Puzzle

Visit our church… We saw the Stations of the Cross, the Tabernacle,the Sanctuary Lamp, the Baptismal Font and the Holy Oils: (Oil of Catechumens which is used to bless and strengthen those preparing for baptism; the Oil of the Sick with which the priest brings Jesus’ strength and healing to those who are joined with the suffering Christ in serious illness; and the Sacred Chrism which is used in celebrating the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders)  We looked behind the sanctuary at the vesting room, at the altar stone under the altar cloth and inside the confessionals.


Inside the Church

Inside Church instructions

Watch “Mary of Nazareth” DVD