Calling Disciples

Jesus calls the disciples John 1:35-51 and the wedding feast of Cana John 2:1-12.

Chapter 12 in Blest are We book: p 141-148

Fish with ME – youTube

Jesus saw them fishing by the shore of Galilee,

casting out their nets into the sea. 

Simon Peter, Andrew and the sons of Zebedee,.

waiting in their boats so patiently.

And Jesus said,.

Refrain 1. “Oh, come and follow me.  Oh, leave behind your nets. I call you.

“Oh, come and fish with me.  …and your life will not be the same again.

disciples_jesus crossword


Wedding Feast of Cana,

Marriage and Holy Orders are Sacraments at the Service of Communion.

Wedding Feast of Cana Quiz:

 Blest are We Chapter 13: Sacrament in the Church p.153-160