John the Baptist, Ministry to the Children of Castrovirreyna, Peru

Read about John the Baptist

John preached boldly in the wilderness and lived a lifestyle outside of the norm for that time. Think back to a time when you needed to act boldly in your life of faith.
What did you do and how was it received?

Children of Castrovirreyna, Peru

A christian ministry coordinates with educational institutions and health facilities to promote social and behavioral change that advances good nutrition and hygiene habits. Home visits raise awareness about anemia and parasites, teach children about the importance of hand washing and improve household hygiene practices. For children, anemia blocks correct brain development, limiting their learning and opportunities in the future.Their generosity means the children of Castrovirreyna will grow up strong and healthy, thriving in their homes and leading their communities in the future.

Watch a Video of the ministry.


  1. What captured your attention in the video?
  2. What did you learn about the Castrovirryena community in Peru?
  3. How would your life be different if you had one road in and out of your community?
  4. Deysi hopes that her baby grows up to be kind and happy. What are the hopes and dreams you have for yourself and your family (immediate, extended and/or church family)?

In today’s gospel, John the Baptist appears in the wilderness and proclaims, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”
His voice cries out in the wilderness, an unexpected place to hear God’s word. John was considered a wild man — eating locusts and honey, living on the margins of society, called to live a different way. When we think of
repentance, we often think of feeling sorry for things we’ve done wrong. And that’s certainly part of repentance, but John is inviting us to think more deeply. Repenting is a chance to turn away from the values of this world which leave us dissatisfied —status, wealth, power — and allows us to reframe our thinking in preparation for Jesus’ birth.
In Advent, we are called to make room for Jesus to enter our lives. We hear John’s message of repentance and confession in preparation of the coming Savior and are reminded that his is a message for us as well. We too are called to repent and confess our sins so that Christ’s love can come into us and
transform our lives for the sake of the world. Jesus is coming not to condemn us for our sins, but rather to help us to see his face in our neighbor’s. This Advent, we have an opportunity to think differently about how we help bring Jesus’ promise of a better future to our communities, whether here in the U.S. or in places like Peru. Read together Matthew 3:1-12.

Christmas Quiz

Advent Wreath, “Keep Watch and Prepare”

We Built Advent Wreaths from wood. Painted the wreath, screwed in the candle holders, added greens.

“Keep Watch and Prepare” the message of Advent. We watched a Ukrainian war refugee story and how a christian outreach ministry had saved her and her daughter. Our lives are full of unexpected outcomes, our gifts can be a source of hope.

Chapter 4 – Saint Paul and Corinthians, The Church: A People of Prayer

Chapter 4 Saint Paul and Corinthians, Pages 39-48 “Morality, Life in Christ” Series.

The Church: A People of Prayer (“Class 5” – Mr. Hetman)

  • Adoration,
  • Thanksgiving
  • Intercessory
  • Praise

Parts of Mass

Introductory Rite

  • Greeting
  • Penitential Act
  • Gloria
  • Collect

Liturgy of the Word

  • First Reading
  • Responsorial Psalm
  • Second Reading
  • Gospel
  • Homily
  • Profession of Faith
  • Prayer of the Faithful

Liturgy of the Eucharist

  • Preparation of the Altar and Gifts
  • Eucharistic Prayer

Communion Rite

  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • Sign of Peace
  • Breaking of the Bread
  • Holy Communion

Concluding Rites

  • Blessing
  • Dismissal

Safe Environment Lesson

Safe friends, adults, situations. Define Boundaries, Health Professionals, Online safety. Where to seek help.

In an effort to assist in the monumental mission of protecting children from abuse, we will present a safe environment lesson to children in our catholic schools and parish religious programs. It is our cherished role as adults to fully protect children. In addition, we must also teach children about their safety rights and boundaries, so that they have tools to protect themselves.
This school year, your child(ren) will be presented with a program entitled Empowering God’s Children, in which Lesson Leaders present a safety lesson to children that houses a grade-appropriate video component along with a hands-on activity. The material is designed to better equip children to know their rights, recognize their boundaries, and empower them to protect themselves when safe adults are not immediately available—and ultimately be safer from people who might want to harm them. Children will participate in the following lesson this year:

Lesson 2: Safe Adults, Safe Touches and Special Safe Adults
As parents and guardians are the primary educators of their children, you are encouraged to review these materials ahead of time and discuss the information at home. If you have ever thought about how to empower children to protect themselves, fortify their boundaries or increase their safety through in-person and online situations, then reviewing the lessons on your own to both begin and reiterate the message at home is the best next step to take. Thank you for your partnership with us to protect children in our diocese.

Chapter 2 – One Person’s Decision

One Person’s Decision Chapter 2 “Morality, Life in Christ” Series

Begins with the Gospels/Evangelist and the Symbols and meanings.

Matthew is represented by the Man, Mark by the Lion, Luke by the Calf, and John by the Eagle. Matthew is the man because he begins with a genealogy; Mark is the lion, roaring in the desert with prophetic power; Luke is the ox, because he begins with temple sacrifice; and John is the eagle, flying heavenwards like the divine Word.

Gospel of Mark is introduced. Cost and rewards of discipleship.

Read My Catholic Faith by John Paul Thomas ©2010 pp 9-12 (approved by Father Miller)

  • Revelation
  • God Reveals Himself
  • God keeps Speaking