About the Mass – and Ordination

Fr. Bender visited our class!

“Blest are We” grade 4: 

Chapter 2 Praise and Thanksgiving pp. 37-44.

Order of the Mass (pp.266-268)


Examples of Mass from The Ordination to the Order of the Priesthood of Donald Haugh Bender, Jr. and Ryan Patrick Fischer. This took place on June 6 ,2015 at St. Patrick Cathedral, Harrisburg, PA (we are just skipping through the parts– Both Priests have spent a summer at St. Patrick Church! Also, it is a great way for the students look at our Harrisburg Diocese Cathedral and see our Bishop Gainer.)

Introductory Rite,

  • Greeting
  • Penitential Act
  • Gloria
  • Collect

Liturgy of the Word

  • First Reading
  • Responsorial Psalm
  • Second Reading
  • Gospel
  • Homily
  • Profession of Faith
  • Prayer of the Faithful

Liturgy of the Eurcharist

  • Preparation of the Altar and Gifts
  • Eucharistic Prayer

Communion Rite

  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • Sign of Peace
  • Breaking of the Bread
  • Holy Communion

Concluding Rites

  • Blessing
  • Dismissal


Review: Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, Gospels, Epistles.



Stories of the Old Testament, Abraham, Issac, Jacob(Israel) and Joseph

Last week we talked about Noah and the flood, Abram and Sarah and their son Issac.

  • God made a covenant(a sacred promise) with Noah:

rainbow-covenantGenesis 9:15  I will remember my covenant between me and you and every living creature—every mortal being—so that the waters will never again become a flood to destroy every mortal being.

  • God made a covenant with Abram and changed his name to Abraham:


    Abraham and Issac

Genesis 17:5 No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I am making you the father of a multitude of nations.

Genesis17:7 I will maintain my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout the ages as an everlasting covenant, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you…. and I will be their God.

“I will be your God if you will be my people”

God still makes that covenant with us today.

  • Abraham’s son, Issac married Rebbecca.  The had two sons Esau and Jacob. Esau was a hunter and good cook, Jacob was a Shepherd of Sheep. Jacob inherited the land and rights of his father Isaac.
  • Jacob, (also known as “Israel”), had 12 sons. They would be the 12 tribes of the nation Israel.12 Sons of Jacob

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,  Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Asher

  • Old Testament and the story of Joseph.

Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and did a horrible thing to Joseph.  But, God used this misfortune to save the nation of Israel from starvation many years later.

Here is a version of Joseph’s story for children:


If you have access to the “Joseph King of Dreams” by Dreamworks (DVD), we will be playing parts of the movie this week. Finish “Be like Joseph” puzzle the “Law of Love” and “Gods Covenant” Worksheets (below).

Did Joseph and his brothers learn the law of love?

Saint Emma’s Monastery – Benedictine Nuns:

nun-monastary1 nun-monastary2 nuns1 nuns2

The Bible and the Covenant

The Word of God the Bible and the Covenant between God and His People

Reading the Bible: “Blest are We” grade 4 pp.18-19 ( please use a bible book) God’s Covanent p45-47

Try this quiz: http://www.bemydisciples.com/grades/3/chapters/1

Story of Noah/God’s Covanent

Student Reads : Bible: Genesis 6:5-19, Genesis 7, Genesis 8, Genesis 9:9-17-. http://www.usccb.org/bible/genesis/6


 Quiz: http://www.bemydisciples.com/grades/2/chapters/5

We told the story of Abraham and Issac.

Abraham and Isaac Puzzle


Our Church Leaders

Pope Francis Attends His Weekly Audience In St Peter's Square

Our Pope Francis

The Pope with our President Obama

The Pope with our President Obama


Bishop Ronald Gainer

Our Bishop Ronald Gainer of Harrisburg


Fr. William Forrey, Our Pastor

Fr. Donald Bender

Fr. Donald Bender, Our Parochial Vicar


Saint Patrick Shrine Church on Pomfret Street in Carlisle

Saint Patrick Shrine Church on Pomfret Street in Carlisle



Inside the Shrine Church

Saint Patrick Church on Marsh Drive

Saint Patrick Church on Marsh Drive

Inside Saint Patrick Church at Marsh Drive

Inside Saint Patrick Church at Marsh Drive

The Altar, Cain and Abel

Last week we talked about the the garden of Eden.  I read the story of creation, Adam and Eve and the temptation of Eve and Adam with the fruit. Because of the disobedience of Adam and Eve, they must die. BIBLE– the first book: Genesis 1, 2, and 3. (http://www.usccb.org/bible/genesis/1) We will listen to the song “Adam, Adam Where are you?” In the song, it talks about the deception of the Devil and how God still calls Adam back to Himself.  God still searches for each one of us despite our sins. Because we have separated ourselves from God, (through sin), we can not hear Him very well.

He still talks to us:

  • through the Bible,
  • through prayer
  • through the sacraments and our church,
  • through other people
  • through our conscience
  • Can you add any other way God talks to us?

Because there is sin in the world, we live on earth and someday we will die.  But God provides us a way to save ourselves/our souls.  In the Old Testament, they sacrificed an animal or food on an altar for a person’s sins. In the New Testament,  Jesus is our sacrifice on the cross.  We also offer the ”sacrifice of the Mass” for the forgiveness of sins. What other sacraments give us forgiveness of sins?

Story of Cain & Abel (meaning of sacrifices), Sin of Envy, Murder (Think of the Ten Commandments)

cain-and-abel worksheet

Open Our Bibles to Genesis,
Reading the Bible: “Blest are We” grade 4 pp.18-19.




BIBLE– the last book: Revelations 5:1-4,6, 9

“I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals. Then I saw a mighty angel who proclaimed in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?” But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to examine it. I shed many tears because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to examine it.
Then I saw standing in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures and the elders, a Lamb that seemed to have been slain. He had seven horns and seven eyes; these are the [seven] spirits of God sent out into the whole world.

They sang a new hymn:
“Worthy are you to receive the scroll
and to break open its seals,
for you were slain and with your blood you purchased for God
those from every tribe and tongue, people and nation.”

Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us
Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, Grant us Peace.
(response at Mass)

Who is the LAMB OF GOD?

 Worthy is the Lamb Hymn

Kari Jobe – Revelation Song lyrics “Worthy is the Lamb” (a Life Teen Song)



“Blest are We” grade 4 Jesus, the Image of God Chapter 5 p.69-74

In the Beginning

September 09, 2015:  Story of Creation

“Blest are We” grade 4 chapter 1 pp.28-30, 32-33

We introduced ourselves…

Passed out books/attendance


Anyone want to share their questions to God? What do you hope for in CCD?


We will begin the night with a prayer service and introductions.

We will go over Mr. Rio’s rules for the classroom.

  • Love,
  • Honor,
  • Respect

Creation, Adam and Eve, garden of Eden, beginning of sin


Don Francisco – Adam Where Are You

Read to student: Bible: Genesis 1, Genesis 2:1-8,15-25, Genesis 3. http://www.usccb.org/bible/genesis/1

Online Quiz: http://www.bemydisciples.com/grades/2/chapters/2

Welcome to 4th grade CCD 2015-2016

Welcome to St. Patrick CCD Grade 4 with Mr. Rios and Mrs. McGinnis!

In this website, you will find an overview of what we talk about during Wednesday night CCD class. I will try to include a picture or two of what we have done. cover4lgAlso, I can post certain handouts on this website. Mr. Rios and I have been team-teaching Fourth grade CCD for 4 years. We have a lot of fun and we are able to work together to reinforce the teaching points. We use the “Blest Are We 4″ series published by Pearson Education, Inc.©2008. The website for their series is http://www.blestarewe.com. I am trying to incorporate the church year holy days and seasons into our curriculum so we jump around in the book. We are very pleased to share our faith with your children. We look forward to a wonderful year.

May God be with you,
Mr. Ed Rios,  Mrs. Emilie McGinnis

EmilieMcGinnis-1 Rios

This website’s address is www.hickorytown.com/ccd4/ My Email address is: emilie@hickorytown.com For Religious Education general information: http://saintpatrickchurch.org/ccd.php P.S. The color designated for fourth grade is purple. If you find any errors in this website– please feel free to email me. Thanks.

I have enjoyed being a catechist for the Sunday Children’s Liturgy of the Word from 2003-2008. This is my seventh year as a CCD teacher. I am a mother of five –my children’s ages range from 15-25. I am married to Jim The Computer Guy. I have a couple jobs outside of motherhood. I am a Respiratory Therapist at Carlisle Regional Hospital. Other times, you may find me at my computer designing websites. Hence, the development of this web site! – Mrs. Emilie McGinnis

Holy Water and Last Day

pentecost-fire Pentecost Acts 2:1-11

Holywaterblessing4 – We are making Holy Water Bottles.

Chapter 9 The Holy Spirit Guides Us p. 110-113

Apostles Creed – animation YouTube video

Grace, Holy Spirit, Life in Christ Quiz:


The Church and Ascension and Pentecost YouTube video

Parents: Commentary on Holy water by Fr. William P. Saunders

“Lord, God Almighty, creator of all life, of body and soul, we ask you to bless this water: as we use it in faith forgive our sins and save us from all illness and the power of evil. Lord, in your mercy give us living water, always springing up as a fountain of salvation; free us, body and soul, from every danger, and admit us to your presence in purity of heart.”

-the Prayer of Blessing of Water in the Sacramentary


  • Before he returned to his Father in Heaven, Jesus promised that the Father would send the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit came to the disciples on Pentecost.
  • The Holy Spirit is our helper and teacher



Beginning of Sin – Adam Where Are You?


Mary-Joseph-and-Jesus111Breath of Heaven – Mary’s song to God




Jesus_is_RisenResurrection – Christ has Risen today


victory-in-jesusSin and Temptation –  Christ has won the Battle


beautiful-nature-141Praise and Dedication – Because He is Everything


Photo-welcoming-to-heavenEternal Home with Jesus – Big House