Remembering Saints and Souls


Day of the Dead (Mexico)


We talked about the Day of the Dead (Día de Muertos) a Mexican Celebration of all the souls that died. They set up an “altar” with a statue of Mary, flowers, and pictures of loved ones that have passed. We did the prayer service above and each student remembered someone from his or her family that has died.

Handout for Halloween, All Saints and All Souls Days:


Stories of the Old Testament, Abraham, Issac, Jacob(Israel) and Joseph

Last week we talked about Noah and the flood, Abram and Sarah and their son Issac.

  • God made a covenant(a sacred promise) with Noah:

Genesis 9:15  I will remember my covenant between me and you and every living creature—every mortal being—so that the waters will never again become a flood to destroy every mortal being.

  • God made a covenant with Abram and changed his name to Abraham:
Abraham and Issac

Genesis 17:5 No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I am making you the father of a multitude of nations.

Genesis17:7 I will maintain my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout the ages as an everlasting covenant, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you…. and I will be their God.

“I will be your God if you will be my people”

God still makes that covenant with us today.

  • Abraham’s son, Issac married Rebbecca.  The had two sons Esau and Jacob. Esau was a hunter and good cook, Jacob was a Shepherd of Sheep. Jacob inherited the land and rights of his father Isaac.
  • Jacob, (also known as “Israel”), had 12 sons. They would be the 12 tribes of the nation Israel.

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,  Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Asher

  • Old Testament and the story of Joseph.

Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and did a horrible thing to Joseph.  But, God used this misfortune to save the nation of Israel from starvation many years later.

Here is a version of Joseph’s story for children:

If you have access to the “Joseph King of Dreams” by Dreamworks (DVD), we will be playing parts of the movie this week. Finish “Be like Joseph” puzzle the “Law of Love” and “Gods Covenant” Worksheets (below).

Did Joseph and his brothers learn the law of love?

Saint Emma’s Monastery – Benedictine Nuns:


About Mass


Examples of Mass from The Ordination to the Order of the Priesthood of Donald Haugh Bender, Jr. and Ryan Patrick Fischer. This took place on June 6, 2015 at St. Patrick Cathedral, Harrisburg, PA. It is a great way for the students look at our Harrisburg Diocese Cathedral and see our Bishop Gainer.

Introductory Rite,

  • Greeting
  • Penitential Act
  • Gloria
  • Collect

Liturgy of the Word

  • First Reading
  • Responsorial Psalm
  • Second Reading
  • Gospel
  • Homily
  • Profession of Faith
  • Prayer of the Faithful

Liturgy of the Eucharist

  • Preparation of the Altar and Gifts
  • Eucharistic Prayer

Communion Rite

  • The Lord’s Prayer
  • Sign of Peace
  • Breaking of the Bread
  • Holy Communion

Concluding Rites

  • Blessing
  • Dismissal

Review: Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, Gospels, Epistles.

God’s Covenant

The Word of God the Bible and the Covenant between God and His People

Review Reading the Bible: “Blest are We” grade 4 pp.18-19 ( please use a bible book) God’s Covanent p45-47

“I will be your God if you will be My People”

Try this quiz:

Story of Noah/God’s Covenant

Student Reads : Bible: Genesis 6:5-19, Genesis 7, Genesis 8, Genesis 9:9-17-.


We told the story of Abraham and Issac.

Abraham and Isaac Puzzle